The little book of Creation is approved by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development to be used in secondary school in Kenya as supplementary reading material. The printed copies are authorized to have afoot on every page thumb nail logo and written approved by KICD. The book will not be obligatory but may be used in different school subjects according to initiative from the lecturer.
The book is endorsed by Professor Mumo Kisau, Vice Chancellor of Scott Christian University and chairman of Kenya Association of Private Universities.
For more than 2000 years, most of the thinkers in the field of science – from Plato to Newton – claimed that the material world was a manifestation of design by a creative intelligence or God. But, about 150 years ago, many scientists began to renounce this notion. The worldview Naturalism is today the prevailing view on science, having the Theory of evolution as its view on life and biology. Naturalism claims that nature itself is able to explain our entire reality. This means that an intelligent cause in nature is rejected. Modern science therefore refuses that God is active in our physical reality.
Naturalism is based on chance effects, and has only two causal mechanisms: Random reactions taking place between the energy and the matter of the cosmos, and these reactions have to follow the laws of nature. That means that Naturalism in an abbreviated form only relies on Chance and Necessity. The laws of nature are not able to create anything new. Natural laws do not have any innovative power, they only describe what already exists. Accordingly, chance reactions are given the capacity to explain our entire reality.
The causal mechanisms for evolution are Natural selection and Mutations. “The Little Book of Creation” shows that Natural selection secures the survival of the most fitted, with no recognizable capacity to create new animal forms. Likewise, this book refutes that changes in the hereditary material in the form of random mutations are able to create new life.
Since there are two existing theories on life and biology, the pupils and students have to be presented both theories. A major aim of education is to help the pupils to learn to practice critical thinking. Critical thinking means to choose between various possibilities and alternatives. If there exist more theories for a specific subject and only one is presented, then the pupils are in fact indoctrinated and not educated.
I therefore endorse this “The Little Book of Creation” to be used in schools (both public and private) in Kenya. I am very pleased to know that the book now is approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD). This book presents the major reasons for Intelligent Design, a theory that the youth of Kenya in my opinion ought to have qualified information as well as knowledge about.