The book The Majesty and Mystery of Life by Kjell J. Tveter presents convincing evidence about Intelligent Design

The Majesty and Mystery of Life by Kjell J. Tveter presents a convincing evidence that Intelligent causes are necessary for explaining the billions of biochemical reactions continuously occurring in organisms, in life. These reactions are guided, the follow plan and have a defined purpose. This intentionality presupposes intelligent activity. Foresight is needed to explain life. Life lives, while dead matter like a stone just exists. Life requires specified information for all its activities, information that is only present in life.

The book have the following chapters;

  1. What is the Origin of Everything?
  2. Different Worldviews
  3. The Origin of Everything
  4. The fine-tuning of the universe
  5. The origin and Development of Life
  6. The Theory of Evolution
  7. Resume of Literature on Intelligent Design
  8. Biological Information – Bioinformatics
  9. Intelligent Design
  10. Objections and resistance
  11. Theistic Evolution
  12. Want are Orphan Genes?
  13. Weaknesses of Naturalistic Evolution
  14. The solution of the Dilemma faith and Science
  15. Human OriginDr. Tveter write as a conclusion on the bookThe origin of the universe has an intelligent cause.
    The origin of life has an intelligent cause.
    The diversity of life – all life – has an intelligent cause.
    Life can only stem from life.
    The nano-machinery of life has an intelligent cause.
    The nano-machinery of life is guided by biological information. All biological proteins have an intelligent cause.
    All enzymes have an intelligent cause.
    All metabolic processes have an intelligent cause.
    The activities in every call are guided by
    intelligent information.
    The information of life – DNA’s language –
    has an intelligent cause.
    All information has an intelligent source.
    Biological information has an intelligent source.This source is God.Mutations cannot generate biological information. Mutations cannot create life.
    Natural selection cannot create anything new. Natural selection cannot create life’s diversity.

Endorsement by

Prof. Dr. Scient. Steinar Thorvaldsen, University of Tromsø, Norway

For more than 2000 years, most of the thinkers in the field of science – from Plato to Newton – claimed that the material world is a manifestation of design by a creative intelligence or God. But as of about 150 years ago, many scientists began to renounce this notion. Darwin’s theory of evolution describes biology as a self-organizing system based on natural selection, with no extra help needed from a superior, all-governing intelligence. But this situation has begun to change. During the last 20-30 years, there has been a dramatic development in the biosciences, and now there are a significant number of well-qualified sci- entists who claim that Darwin’s theory is insufficient, and that elements from the classic way of thinking, will have their renaissance. The new theory is often called Intelligent Design, and describes life as a finely tuned nanomachinery driven by DNA software – that is, DNA information. In other words, the uni- verse and life itself are thus pure design with many parallels to IT technology.

This book aims at presenting Intelligent Design as a credible alternative to Darwinism. Kjell Tveter has previously published the book “The Little Book of Creation”. This new book has become an intriguing sequel. So much litera- ture on Intelligent Design is being produced on an international level, that it is a tremendous task to keep up-to-date. Professor Tveter has invested his time monitoring the international arena, and here is his summary. I believe many people will greatly appreciate this. Those who wish to immerse themselves in specific areas, will find references in the bibliography.

The on-going debate on Intelligent Design is one of the most intriguing debates we have in the world of science. The fact that it is seasoned with a lot of ideology, just makes it extra intense and demanding. I recommend this book as engaging and stimulating food for thought.

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